Volunteer Opportunities

Architects Without Borders-Oregon is an all-volunteer organization. If you are willing to help, even if only for a few hours, we are grateful for your support, and will work to use your talents. You don't have to be an architect. Our volunteers include engineers, students, event planners, writers, web designers and developers, social media experts, landscape architects, builders, tradespeople, and others. AWB-Oregon needs volunteers for both design work and to keep our organization running smoothly. You may volunteer to lead or participate in a project team, or help with events, communications, community outreach, fundraising, technical support, or administrative tasks. 

Two ways to find out more about volunteering with AWB-Oregon:

Come to our next open meeting

Pre-pandemic our open meetings were held in-person at 6 PM the fourth Wednesday of the month. Since early 2020 we’ve been meeting on Zoom and not always on the fourth Wednesday. We may resume some in-person meetings in 2023. Meetings feature guest speakers, panel discussions, charrettes, work sessions, and project reviews. Check the Events page for details.

Send us an email

Email our volunteer coordinator at: volunteer@awboregon.org.  Please include specifics about your project interests, skills you’d like to contribute, and your general location and schedule. Our volunteer coordinator will get back to you soon.